Friday, August 26, 2011

Preparing for Hurricane Irene

Sometimes I chuckle as radio, TV and newspapers scurry to tell people how to prepare for tropical storms and hurricane-like weather that climbs northward up the Atlantic Coast this time of year.
First, EVERYONE should have an emergency kit, with bottled water, nonperishable food, batteries, etc. ... And we should be rotating some of these supplies regularly anyway.
Check at the FEMA website for a checklist of items, but, basically, be sensible.
The biggest threat can be loss of power, so make sure you have ice blocks for coolers to store milk, eggs and meats.
We'll make ice blocks by pouring water into plastic and metal bowls and then we'll use the ice from the bowls to help keep coolers and even the fridge cold.
Store yard and patio furniture indoors and secure other items with spikes and bungee cords. Clean your gutters and remove all debris from yards.
Get the gas tanks filled and keep some extra cash around, too. If businesses and banks lose electricity, gas, money, etc. might be difficult to get.
One other thing: keep some BBQ charcoal handy for cooking (especially if you have an electric stove). And if you do lose electricity, keep the fridge and freezers closed as much as possible.

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